We specialize in a multitude of aircraft, some examples are shown below. You can expect a complete, tested and approved firewall forward kit for your aircraft, not to mention a number of extras if wanted. Have a questions about a particular kit, let us know and we have probably already done it and can set it all up for you.


Zenith Aircraft

As the largest supplier of engines for Zenith Aircraft we specialize in complete kits for every model.


Rans Aircraft

With the Rans S21 we have firewall forward packages using our 130 and 195T models and offer everything for all Rans Aircraft.



We supply our Viking 130 engines OEM through Powrachute and Infinity Powerchutes. The Viking 90 can be ordered through Viking and even installed here. It is a great replacement for the low TBO Rotax 582.


Vans Aircraft

Everything for the Vans Aircraft can be supplied straight through Viking. We cover everything from the RV-12 through the RV-7 / RV-9 models.


Kitfox aircraft

The Kitfox has gained popularity again. Viking has engines for all models, including the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.



Viking has worked on many different styles of gyrocopters from the Aviomania and Dominator to the Sportcopter and different varieties such as the Outback and Hollmann.

Viking Sonex Speed.jpeg

sonex aircraft

The Sonex is a very popular aircraft for the Viking engine. Many are looking to replace VW derived engines for more power and overall reliability. Recently, our lightweight 3-cylinder 90 hp engine has become a popular choice.


searey aircraft

The Viking 130 engine offers exactly what you need to get off the water in a hurry if your considering a SeaRey Aircraft.


Just aircraft

From the Escapade to the Highlander and SuperStol, we have firewall forward available. For a true STOL aircraft, you need a Viking engine.


bathawk aircraft

The Bathawk Aircraft is used to patrol against rhino poachers in South Africa. The quiet and affordable Viking engines are key in this role.


Aventura aircraft

The Viking engine makes the Aventura a fun aircraft. Either the 90 or 130 provides plenty of thrust to get off the water.


MISC. Aircraft

Don’t see your aircraft? We have also done many more experimental aircraft listed below. Developing firewall forward kits is our specialty and we can help you with any projects you plan on building or replacing an engine to find a perfect match for your aircraft:

Murphy Rebel, Savannah, SP30, Hawk, Cozy MK4, Jabiru, Saberwing, Motorgliders, Ventura, Surefly Workhorse, Cherry, Wittman Tailwind and Buttercup, Morgan Cougar, Caratoo, KR2, CGS Hawk and more.