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The Viking 130

We have multiple engine options available and will help you find what engine will work best for your mission and application.

Viking 130 Information

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The 130 HP engine is our most well-known engine with 600 lbs. of thrust it is perfect for many installations and even more so for superb STOL applications.


It has not really hit the aviation community yet how many advantages a Direct Injected Engine has. It is a perfect match to high output, low fuel burn, high compression, advanced ignition timing, internal cylinder cooling of engine parts and a high threshold for detonation.  

The discussion is no longer about old or new technology, air or liquid cooled, car engine or lookalike aircraft engine with internal car parts, fuel injection or carburetor, etc. It is now about Direct Injection or not.

It is a choice you can only make by understanding the benefits.  

While learning about GDI systems, on YouTube for instance, you will find a lot of information concerning carbon buildup on the intake valves due to crankcase blow-by being introduced to the intake manifold, rather than overboard or into a catch can, as on all aircraft engines. Since only air passes through the intake runners on the Viking 130, no carbon deposits are possible. You are left with only the GDI advantages and none of the drawbacks.     

Type: 1.5L, Direct Injected, 4 cylinder

Horsepower: 130 @ 5400 RPM

Weight: 220 lbs.

Gearbox Ratio: 2.33/1

Compression Ratio: 11.5:1

Bore and Stroke: 73.00 mm x 89.5 mm

Takeoff RPM: Engine 5400 / Prop 2400

Cruise RPM: Engine 4900 / Prop 2100

Static RPM – STOL: Engine 5400 / Prop 2400

Static RPM – Cross Country: Engine 4800 / Prop 2100

Idle RPM: 1400-1600 RPM

Coolant Temperatures: 180 – 220 F

Oil Temperature: Not Measured

Oil Pressure: 20 – 125 Psi

Fuel Pressure: 43 Psi

Fuel: 100LL (MUST use TCP/Decalin) 89+ Octane or higher (preferred)

Length: 27 in.

Height: 24 in.

Width: 22 in.

Gearbox Oil: 75W-90 Mobile 1 Synthetic Gear Oil (8 ounces), 75W-140 Mobile 1. 10ounces of gear oil should be used with the 48 state gearbox or the X gearbox (after 2022).

Gearbox Temperature: Should not exceed 240 F

Engine Oil: 0W-20 (not brand specific)

Coolant: Evans NPG Plus

Coolant System Pressure: 4-5 Psi


Engine Oil Change: Every 50 hours (3.5 quarts)

Gearbox Oil Change:

Every hour for the first 10 hours, then at every oil change thereafter

Gearbox Service: Only necessary if metal is found within the oil, call Viking for maintenance


Spark Plugs:



Viking 130 in a Zenith Cruzer Comparison Chart & Performance (Click to Enlarge)

Some fun videos show below, for more technical videos please refer to our technical section of the website!

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